If the Hallmark Channel Sock Fits, Wear It

I’ve got to preface this post by saying MY HUSBAND is the hopeless romantic in our relationship. Sentimental, sappy, romcom watching and cat-owning long before I ever let a furball near me.

So it should be no surprise that HE started watching Hallmark movies long before I did. And HE convinced me they were light, harmless mind candy that just made you feel good after the final credits rolled.

He was right. As usual.

What’s actually very nice about Hallmark movies is they are light, harmless mind candy. The world is dark and tough enough without having to watch movies that remind me of this fact.

But in the process of starting to watch Hallmark movies, I wrote a series of reviews of the movies we watched and posted them online.

And that, my friends, is how I got a reputation for liking Hallmark movies.

Hey, if the sock fits – wear it.

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