How to Make a Shirt Memory Pillow

Holiday left behind a ton of long-sleeved work and dress shirts. I hardly knew him to wear anything other than button-up shirts, so I wanted to use them in some type of memory project.

Fortunately, a Google search led me to instructions for making memory pillows.

Measure the length and width of your shirt to determine the size of the pillow form you can use. Button the front of the shirt closed. Cut the front of the shirt away from the collar, back and sleeves.

Cut your shirt to size, using the following guide:

Source and all instructions

Here is how to sew the pillow together:

  1. Sew the front of the shirt closed.
  2. Fuse Shapeflex (SF101), cut to size, to the wrong side of the front.
  3. Fuse Shapeflex (SF101), cut to size to the wrong side of both back pieces.
  4. Fold a 1-inch hem on each 16″ back piece side.
  5. Place one back piece on top of the other so folded will overlap to create the envelope opening.
  6. Stitch all top and bottom edges of back pieces together using a 1/4″ seam allowance.
  7. Optional: Iron a memory pillow patch onto the front of the shirt. (Stitch in place for extra security if you like.)
  8. Place back assembled pieces on top of front (right sides together). Pin together.
  9. Stitch front to back, using a 1/2″ seam allowance.
  10. Pink or serge seams, clip corners, turn inside out and insert pillow form.

2 Comment

  1. I LOVE this! I have some dressed from my childhood I’ve been debating what to do with. They don’t necessarily lend themselves well to being in a quilt (I have plenty of T-shirts to do that). But, a pillow is GENIOUS! Thanks for the idea!

    1. Shannah says: Reply

      You’re welcome! It’s really an easy project.

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