October 2020 Wrap Up

October felt like we might be entering a new normal. An actual in-person organized marathon. An actual in-person TEDxPlano Salon. Actual in-person trick-or-treat visits.

Now that Glory runs with me in the mornings, we bought her a harness light. Safety first!

I ran the MCM Virtual Marathon! It’s been a few years since I did the marathon distance, but it felt great.

We went to a nearby small town for the day and explored a local trail. It felt like we went on vacation.

I participated in The Uprising for a second year – virtual this time. It was terrific.

We exercised our civic duty (naturally).

After a scary mammogram result, a diagnostic mammogram put me in the clear. (Whew)

Kelly – along with a few other Dallas Galloway runners – participated in the Oktoberfest Trail Marathon. It was so great to have a live in person race, with lots of safety protocols and restricted participants.

We returned to the stage for our first in-person live TEDxPlano Salon event. Safety protocols made it possible, including social distancing and masks. Except for this photo.

The weather finally turned fallish – Oliver’s been waiting for cold weather snuggles for months.

We finally put away the 6,000 piece puzzle Kelly assembled while businesses were closed due to COVID.

Never thought I’d see this happen while living in Plano, but I had the good fortune to watch all 13 member cities and our water district sign a new water contract (it required a unanimous vote to make changes).

Melinda and I hosted an online dinner and chat for students at our alma mater, Missouri State University.

And we figured out a somewhat safe way to hand out treats to the neighborhood trick-or-treaters. Take that, COVID!

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