Fun Kids Gift | Easy-Craft Unicorn Outfit

This was one of the easiest, most confounding and fantastic projects I’ve ever worked on.

I’m just going to say: Pinterest demonstrates exactly why technical writing is a profession. What makes sense to one person does not necessarily make sense to another. That being said, my project inspiration and the original instructions are here.

Shopping for the project required a buggy. It also resulted in many astounded and sympathetic looks from fellow shoppers.

Overall, it only took me about 10 hours to do this project. About 1 hour of that was spent ripping out mistakes from the aforementioned instructional challenges. But the end result was still cute.

The original poster mentioned there was a lot of cutting. This is an understatement. Even Oliver got bored with all of the felt clipping. Again, totally worth it.

I love love love how this turned out. If I ever make these again, the project will go much faster because it’s pretty simple – and now I understand where to do process shortcuts.

1 Comment

  1. OMG!!! These are the most adorable blankets EVER! Now, I’m thinking of who has young girls that I can make one for.

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