Wait for the Last Chapter

I’m faithfully reading through my Bible this year, joining alongside hundreds of others in my church to be focused on the scriptures.

Yet despite reading scripture, it’s still sometimes surprising to see how scriptures can come to life.

Take, for example, Romans 8:28 – And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

If you had told me in January that I’d soon be leaving a company that I’d been with for 13 years, I wouldn’t have believed you. If you told me that I’d be leaving for my dream job (that I thought I’d have to leave my industry to find) at a company I’ve admired for years, I really wouldn’t have believed you.

If you told me in April that the emotional hell The Boy and I were going through, after 12 months of mental distress, over changes in his work situation was temporary and that he’d land on his feet with a company that had a culture just like what he was mourning the loss of, I wouldn’t have believed you. If you told me that the new company would be located just a five minute walk from my new company, I not only wouldn’t have believed you – I would have laughed at the idea.

All things do work together for good. Weeping over irrevocable changes. Depression over change, both sought and unsought. Fear in new routine and relationships. Joy in new beginnings and fresh passion.

Years ago, in the midst of yet another paradigm shift in my life, I cried on the shoulder of a campus minister/boss. I told him that I really wished that God would provide the full book of my life, so I’d know how things worked out.

He told me – and I never forgot (even though the memory is hazy during times of trial) – that I didn’t really want to read ahead because I’d never believe all of the travelling that it would take to get from Point A to Point Z. He recommended that I relax and wait for the last chapter, because it was there. And I’d be there, too, when I was supposed to be.

I have a feeling that The Year of Change still holds some cards up its sleeve. I still can’t imagine what it all can be, but I think I’ll just wait for the last chapter – even if some of the in-between chapters make me cry.

4 Comment

  1. LES … and then a big smile!

  2. This gave me chills. I'm so happy for you both and eager to see how the chapter ends.

  3. boacnstr – 🙂

  4. Mel – thanks…me, too!

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