What a Day…Week…Month…?

Sometimes you feel as though you’re in survival mode – finish one thing, move on to the next.

Let’s be clear – this is one of those times. Believe it or not, our schedule opens up significantly starting on Sunday. I suppose that means what we’ve been experiencing is the last, violent thrashes of schedule hell.

We’ve had multiple crazy (near impossible) work deadlines. Toss in meetings, events and doctor’s visits. Then there was the little matter of a surgery for The Boy. And Bridget completely melting down into Demon Kitty, forcing us to lock her up until she could control herself and Ben could stop attacking her.

Did I mention that the last two items were just yesterday?

I am exhausted.

2 Comment

  1. Is it ironic that your last posting before this one showed a sweet(?) Bridget looking up the stairs at you?

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