An O Henry Story – Hayley Style

I love The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry. Wife loves husband, cuts and sells her beautiful long hair to buy a fob for his precious watch. Husband loves wife, sells his precious watch to buy combs for her beautiful long hair.

I realized we were having our own version of the Magi the other night when I was moaning about the number of things to do around the house and The Boy was moaning about the number of things to do outside the house.

Me: I think we should set some budget money aside and have someone do the yard for us. Free up your time.

The Boy: No, I think we should set some budget money aside have have someone clean the house for you. Without the load of house chores you won’t feel so overwhelmed.

Now is that Magi love or what?!

4 Comment

  1. What you were thinking: …so that you can help me around the house.

    What the Boy was thinking: …so that you can help me outside the house.

    (Aside: I hate 'captchas" — I can almost never read the first one or two…or three or four…or five or six.)

  2. So.true. (!!!)

    I hate captchas, too – harder and harder to read. But I hate spambots more.

  3. Sheryl says: Reply

    How about saving for both the yard and the house cleaning? Then you'll both be happy. You only live once.

  4. Hard to do when every extra penny goes on the mortgage. Being debt free on the house is our top priority. Then reducing our "to do" burden.

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