Something Tasty – Something Quick

The poor Boy had to work all last week – including New Year’s Eve. That’s the life of an accountant in the non-profit world. Donations flow in at a higher rate than normal (and we thank God for that!) at the end of December, requiring All Hands On Deck in the accounting department.

Knowing the team would be working like crazy when the rest of the office was closed, The Boy’s company provided lunch for them every day. A blessing indeed – particularly when this working woman was too busy to do much cooking in the evening.

There was only one problem: By Saturday morning, The Boy was sick of eating out. He told me, quite emphatically I might add, No more eating out! Everything tastes the same. I mean, I don’t even want Chick-Fil-A.

That’s serious. Not interested in Chick-Fil-A? And I have to cook…and I haven’t grocery shopped in two weeks? Rats.

Until I could get to the grocery store, I relied on the pantry and freezer to get us through. First up was a quick and easy spicy soup. With a piece of warm cornbread, this is just the thing for a cold winter’s day.

Quick and Easy Spicy Chicken Soup

Chop 1 onion and 2 bell peppers. I had a bag of leftover fajita vegetables in the freezer that sped things up.

In a large stew pot, add vegetables to three cups (more or less) chicken broth (also leftover in my refrigerator). Toss in two boneless skinless chicken breasts (pulled from the freezer). It’s ok if the chicken is still frozen solid.

Bring to a rolling boil. Reduce heat, cover and let boil on a low bubble for 20 minutes. Appoint someone to watch the pot so it doesn’t boil over.

Remove chicken from broth and pull to shred. Return meat to pot, add one packet of taco seasoning (more or less depending on the spice level you want) and a can of diced tomatoes (do not drain).

Cook for an additional 5-10 minutes on medium low.

Serve with cornbread or with some crushed tortilla chips and a light sprinkling of cheese.

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