Better Late Than Never

Here it is nearing the end of the day and I still haven’t updated the old Hayley Daily. What a slacker I am!

In truth, you have no idea how much of a slacker I really am. I woke up today with some simple, and achievable, goals:

  1. Take a shower
  2. Grade my seven remaining student papers
  3. Put away the Christmas decorations
  4. Clean the house

Instead, I jumped in the shower when The Boy called and asked me to deliver lunch to his office. {fail} I’ve graded three of my students’ papers.

And as for putting away the Christmas decorations and cleaning the house, ironically the house is ending the month in worse shape than it started. Don’t believe me?

December 6th:

December 31st:

Right. Not a pretty sight at all.

But, surprisingly, I don’t care – not even a little. I spent the day snuggling with one kitty, then the other, watching movies and reading through the Hayley Daily 2010.

I discovered that we’ve had, on the balance of things, a fun year. On the down side, I suffered from leg and back injuries and The Boy had a bit of a health scare.. On the up side, we competed in several races (even a screwball one!) winning several (small) awards.

We went on a great vacation to Colorado and traveled to Moscow in the middle of an epic smog-filled heat wave. We also had the time of our lives at the NBA All-Star game. Plus there was that jump-out-of-an-airplane thing.

I made several fun cupcakes – including gluten-free and baked-in-a-jar versions. I took a pastry class, but also had some pretty epic cooking failures.

I rehabbed several pieces of furniture, including my favorite bargain antique desk and saved a rehab from disaster.

The Boy made me laugh. Often.

The  Hayley House experienced record snow. And frozen water pipes. And a broken air conditioner. And a broken furnace.

It’s no wonder I feel too tired to blog – or put away Christmas decorations – today. If I didn’t read through my own blog, I’d never believe we did half of the things we muddled through this year. You just can’t make this stuff up!

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