Another BIG Surprise

Not to be outdone by my big surprise, The Boy had a Big Surprise of his own waiting on me…new-to-us furniture for the library/family room!

These weren’t here when I left for work!

A colleague of his was unsuccessful at selling some furniture on Craigslist. Instead of paying $200 for used furniture, The Boy was able to get it for free!
He’s good, that one.
While I was downtown at an event, The Boy collected the furniture, unloaded it at home and rearranged the sitting room. All by himself.
Like I said – he’s good, that one.
So now our previously-practically-empty sitting room has a new couch:
And a new wingback chair:
And a new coffee table:
As with any new-to-us furniture, this lot definitely needs a bit of work. The couch and the wingback chair will certainly not remain the same. They are ubercomfortable, but not exactly our style color-wise. I’m thinking about making my own custom slipcovers. Something like this: 
As for the coffee table…do I have to tell you that I’m planning to paint it? I’m thinking something neutral but slightly shiny, like a blue-grey. My inspiration is the lampshade from my new office lamp in the same room:
Won’t that look amazing? Now to find some time for new projects and someone who will let me borrow a sewing machine for a month or so!

4 Comment

  1. nita says: Reply

    Hmmm….wonder if someone coming to visit Thanksgiving would happen to have an extra machine…..never know.

  2. I'm hoping that may be the case!

  3. For a month??? During Christmas season? Will a sewing machine fit on a plane?

  4. As though you'll actually have TIME to do any sewing during the Christmas season…!

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