A Rainy Night in Texas

The Niece was unhappy.

I just washed my car! she cried, coming downstairs as buckets of rain suddenly dumped down.

Bridget was unhappy, too.

The first crack of thunder sent her cowering into the bathroom. {Side note: I guess we don’t have to worry about getting her to take shelter during a tornado!}

As for the rest of us, the storm was just what the doctor ordered. Cool breezes, clean-smelling air. A rumbling Ben in my lap and catching up on DVDs. An early bedtime, even.

The fact that I still have our new breakfast table disassembled (but freshly painted) upstairs, a half-painted antique desk in the breakfast room and general chaos everywhere else doesn’t really matter.

It was a perfect rainy night in Texas. Just what the doctor ordered!!

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