The Long Road Back

Why does it always seem that the end of vacation arrives so quickly? Even though we had a full 9 days, with very little jet lag to slow us down, the morning of departure came before we felt ready. I suppose that means we were having a great time, right?

We’d packed the night before, so we were ready to go after our final sweat-bath night in our hotel room. We met driver, Valentine, in the lobby and headed off to the airport.

And wouldn’t you know, it started raining on the drive – a sign of cooler weather to come!

So now it decides to cool off…

Valentine helped us get into the correct line at the airport – good thing, too. It was a bit of a zoo inside the terminal with a very different set-up of numbered lines. Each flight had its own number, with a corresponding check-in desk. A simple system, once you understood it.

We waited to check-in for our flight for nearly an hour. While waiting, we chatted with a fellow traveller from Canada. God knows just the right people to put in your path, because by the time we checked in, The Boy and I were assigned in separate seats in the same row.

The thought of 12.5 hours on a plane, sitting next to people we didn’t know, made the Hayleys not very happy people. Truth be told – I wouldn’t want to sit 12.5 minutes on a plane separate from The Boy. He’s too much fun.

Anyway, back to how God knows and everything…

While we were in the departure lounge, The Boy saw our new Canadian friend and learned that he had the seat right next to me. And he was willing to switch seats! So in the blink of an eye, we went from sad Hayleys to happy Hayleys!

So we were off…winging our way from Moscow to Houston and, after a 4 hour layover, on to Dallas where our good friend, R, was waiting for us at baggage claim and two needy furbabies were waiting at home.

Ah…it’s good to be home, no matter how fun it is to be away!

Worthless girl(s)!!

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