A Backyard Surprise

All of us at the Hayley House have enjoyed a particularly busy backyard lately. Busy, that is, with lots and lots of bunnies.

Our grass, apparently, is at bunny-approved length.

Somehow the sight of all of the hopping, munching, sunbathing and furbaby stare-downs through the patio French doors is enough to make my lawn-watering efforts worthwhile.

Mid-week, I was bustling around in a (vain) attempt to leave early for a breakfast meeting. As I rushed back to the kitchen after finishing my morning beauty routine, The Boy turned to me, saying, There you are! I was wondering if you’d ever get in here!!

I was taken aback. After all, that’s not a usual comment around our house, even though I’m usually running late and I’m pretty sure he’s thinking that a good bit of the time.

But it wasn’t my lateness that was on his mind. No – what had caught his eye, and kept him glued to the patio doors for fear of missing any movement – was a cute bundle of fur outside.

Nestled between our walking stones (which lead from the patio to the back gate), was an itty-bitty-cute-as-can-be baby bunny.

It was very busy pretending to be a rock, ears glued to his head, hardly breathing:

I’m sure he was thinking, You can’t see me! I’m a rock! My mama told me to be still as a rock so you can’t see me!!

Very cute. And I pretended that he was a rock, even though I was crawling on the ground less than 3 feet away to get a closer look.

Isn’t he the sweetest thing ever?

11 Comment

  1. nita says: Reply

    I know someone who deliberately let the grass grow very tall around a particular spot in our backyard one time – just because a baby rabbit had hidden itself close to the ground as the lawn mower roared near him/her. The grass in that little nesting area wasn't tended to for weeks just in case…….pesky big rabbits ate all my new lettuce garden later. Hummm…I wonder….

  2. Ed says: Reply

    lol. We have a bunch of babies nesting under our neighbors patio here at our complex. We try to keep Johnny away from that area so he won't scare them off.

  3. Sheryl says: Reply

    We have bunnies in all sizes. Sure they're cute, but . . . not when they are always eating my flowers and landscaping plants! Some of the "cute" bunnies are larger than a small dog. And there is so much greenery around not in our yard. 🙁

  4. John says: Reply

    It's such a small world. I have a few of his larger 'farm raised' cousins in my freezer.

  5. @Nita – I'm glad to know that baby bunny love abounds!!! Kelly's avoided mowing or watering to protect Thumper, too.

    @Ed – we warned the teen girls in the house to leave Thumper alone so his mama would come back for him.

    @Sheryl – what's a few flowers between friends? 🙂

    @John – I *used* to think that Kelly was the worst.boy.ever. Apparently, he has some serious competition.

  6. How do you know he's not evil Little Bunny Foo-Foo disguised as cute little Thumper?

  7. Ed says: Reply

    lol @boa!!!

  8. @boacnstr – Ahem. That was "little" bunny foo foo, not "evil" bunny foo foo.

  9. nita says: Reply

    I heard Bunny foo foo was hare today, goon tomorrow.

  10. Ed says: Reply


  11. @Nita – now that's just awful!! So awful I'm still giggling. 🙂

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