I’ve Found a New Secret Getaway

The Boy and I found a new getaway over the weekend – a spa that’s not super crowded and only costs $18 for the day.

That’s right: $18 for 24 hours.

Here’s the catch: it’s a Korean spa. King Spa and Sauna is tucked away in the Korean section of Dallas, amidst discount import stores and other sorts of massage parlors that nice people like the Hayleys don’t patronize.

In fact, when The Boy told me about King Spa I immediately googled to make sure it wasn’t that type of place. It never hurts to be certain before heading out for a visit.

It wasn’t, so we went.

And it was great! Nine different co-ed saunas, ranging from hippie-loving salt crystals to sear-your-skin-off sweat lodges. Plus single-gender spa facilities, with steam rooms, cold plunge pools, herbal baths and massage tubs.

But, like I said, it’s a Korean spa. That means that you have to expect things to be a little different. There’s not a fluffy robe and designer slippers. There are, however, uniforms to wear in the co-ed spaces – gray for guys, pink for gals and yellow for kids.

And then there’s the way the single-gender spa works: it’s naked.

As our friends’ kids would have said years ago – in this spa you’re naked, naked, naked!!!

The thought of being naked, totally and completely naked, with a roomful of women who were also totally and completely naked was a bit overwhelming. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

Turns out, it’s not a big deal. The worst part of the experience was the Naked Walk from the changing lockers to the enclosed spa. The looooongest 20 feet of my life.

Once inside, you forget about the naked and realize it’s all about the spas. (And everyone is required to shower and scrub thoroughly with soap before getting into the spas. You’re monitored. That’s a bit overwhelming at first as well!)

I also realized that, despite what plastic surgeons may say, Dallas is not the epicenter of the tummy tuck and (ahem) enhancement. You can’t help but observe that sort of thing, even when you’re doing your darndest to not observe anything whatsoever.

Would I go to King Spa again? Absolutely! Would I recommend it to others? Absolutely!

Just be aware, I’m not going to invite anyone to a day trip to the spa. A girl’s got to know her limitations!

2 Comment

  1. Sheryl says: Reply

    Did you have massage? Bet that wasn't included in the $18, was it?

    Hubby's Korean massage therapist in Honolulu, Suzy, (http://hawaii2009-sheryl.blogspot.com/2009/07/thursday-july-2-2009.html) practically beats him up. She's says it's good for him, he'll feel better when she's done. He has told her he'd rather feel better while she's working on him.

  2. I didn't do any massage – one thing at a time, I felt. You're right, they are extra charge.

    King Spa has accupressure (foot or body), scrubs and massage available as options. The body scrub seemed to be a very popular treatment from the number of folks lined up for appointments.

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