I Need A Wife

I’ve come to a realization. I guess it took wearing a $150 bra to finally pinpoint my true life needs. Specifically, I need a wife.
No, I’m not chucking the boy out. I’m just admitting what any overly busy working woman knows deep down inside.
Life would be smoother if working married women had a wife.
  • I would no longer have to cook two meals in the evening (finishing tonight’s, starting tomorrow’s).
  • Breakfast might be more than a bag of dry cereal…or peanut butter on toast.
  • New wardrobe choices would be up for consideration because they’ll be a) clean, b) ironed or c) repaired.
  • I’d no longer face the grocery rush on the weekend (or on my lunch break or after work or…)
  • Someone could give the kitties a lap so I am not avoiding furry obstacles
  • I wouldn’t have to slap chopped nuts on a boxed cake for Cake Day.

4 Comment

  1. Sheryl says: Reply

    It doesn't even get much better when you retire-see my blog.

  2. Nor does it get better another generation later. There's on going doctor appointments, pills to be ordered, counted, distributed in daily doses, memory joggers, etc. etc. etc. If things don't get done on time there's always the excuse "I forgot".

  3. Kacie says: Reply

    Oh dear sister, do I ever feel your pain.

    In all seriousness, at the moment a working married woman is generally expected to fill both the role of a working career man AND that of a supportive wife at home. It's double responsibilities. You clean, you cook, you organize, you plan, and then you go to work and fill tthe 9-5 day job hours too.

    A supportive husband helps immensly, but still most guys carry certain assumptions of the things their wife will take care of, simply because their mom took care of them.

    It's stressful. A wife would definitely help. 🙂

  4. We've been having an interesting discussion about Needing a Wife at the office.

    Some of my colleagues feel that women simply don't know when to quit and take a break.

    My response is that if we quit, that just makes the to-do list even longer and more overwhelming.

    Some of my colleagues feel that men should step up more and help.

    I'm not certain that's the best solution either. I have a very helpful husband, but still more to-dos than can ever be done with my current levels of physical and mental energy.

    I wonder if stay-at-home husbands also wish they had A Wife (of the sort we are discussing). Maybe I should say I Need An Alice (ref: The Brady Bunch).

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