And Now There are Three

What a weekend it’s been. The Hayley Household now holds three…The Niece moved in yesterday. She’s staying with us while attending a local college.

While we were waiting for her to arrive, we hurried through some last-minute home improvement projects and the normal Saturday to-do’s. With those out of the way, Kelly suggested we play a game of Phase 10 (what else?).

I agreed and we played. However, I also worked on clipping coupons and assorted other small projects.

Kelly finally asked me to sit down and relax. Actually, he was pretty bossy about it.

I said: I can’t sit down and relax! I’m nervous!!

I’m not worried we’re going to have conflicts or that this is the beginning of a grand experiment doomed to failure. Rather, I was nervous about the sudden change to life. After all, if you’re expecting a child you at least have 9 months to get ready!

And on some level I also wondered if this might be the last moments that we’d have living as just the two of us. Who knows how our lives might change over the next two years?

In any case, the move in went smoothly enough and before we knew it, parents were headed home and it was the three of us in the Hayley House.

We decided to walk to dinner to get out of the house and celebrate the start of New Things. As we ate, I casually mentioned that I kept a blog and I wondered if The Niece would mind if I occasionally wrote stories involving her. She said that was fine.

She’s been warned. And so have you.

Now there are three. Between Marathon Man, The Niece and myself, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of good times to share!

Here’s one to kick off our New Hayley Daily:

Back home, The Niece disappeared upstairs and we collapsed on the couch to watch a brainless movie. I checked my Facebook account and saw The Niece had updated her status. She said:

(The Niece) has been moved, and therefore
must never leave the house for fear of getting lost.

I decided to play with her, so I updated my status to read:

Shannah is now a landlord. How evil am I allowed to be? πŸ™‚

The conversation continued:

(The Niece) Please be nice…Please?

(Shannah) We shall see…fetch me that pitcher, farm boy…er, girl.
Princess Bride reference – if you don’t know it, we must
indoctrinate you at the earliest opportunity!

(The Niece) I’ve seen it and loved it πŸ™‚

I think we’re going to get along just fine.

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