Measure Twice…

I had a stack of things to send to our other office on Friday. Really, it wasn’t very much – a short stack, but one that I wanted to put in a box to protect from transit bumps and bangs.One problem: I made a very thorough search of the supply room and discovered we had no small FedEx boxes. We have nearly 100 medium boxes, several large boxes and more envelopes than I wanted to count.Aggravating. Why is it that you always have the size you don’t need?!? I don’t like packing boxes with newspaper. I want to use the correct sized box.A colleague went downstairs to check our drop-off box for supplies. It didn’t have small boxes either; in fact, it didn’t have supplies at all.So my colleague went to the closest FedEx office, retrieved a small box and returned to the office.I put everything in the small box:

Ummm….I think I need a medium box.

6 Comment

  1. This is even funnier to me because I know you so well. It makes me wonder what your shipping container to/from overseas looked like. (What's a little bulge here and there?) Thanks for the laugh! 🙂

  2. SO funny!!

  3. I'm not sure what was worse – my estimate of the box size needed or the (very small) fit I threw when I discovered our lack of proper supplies.


  4. I'm sure the (very small?) fit was much funnier, in retrospect, so probably worse from your point of view.

  5. BOA – You would be correct.

  6. Ahaha… STILL laughing

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