Message from the Boy

Excerpt from a note my beloved emailed earlier today. I want to share as much of it as possible with you all:

Well, Wednesday is the day to leave for X. I am getting excited about going-and all that remains to be done is some last minute issues of packing.

I wanted…you [to] be aware of when we would be going out and sharing the gospel with people. This is a very defined time. We are not able to share with just anyone as we feel led, like we could do here in the USA. There is great sensitivity that we must show in this regard to ensure we do not endanger any ongoing ministries and church activities among the local believers.

We are going there to lift them up and be an example of how to share the faith with others. We are not going there with a “take charge” approach. Therefore, we will be following their lead in regards to who we share with and when. But we will be encouragement and a form of direction for them so that they can share more effectively themselves.

[T]he focus I would really like you to maintain in your prayers is for successful ministry and for good presentation of the gospel. You do not need to focus in prayer on safety for the trip any more than you would if I were going to England or Canada. The real dangers involved in this trip regard failure to do what God is sending us to do-not physical harm or loss of life.

Things to pray for regarding me…

  • I have never had to use a translator in sharing the gospel-Please pray that I am able to be comfortable in sharing and that the Holy Spirit of God speaks through me.
  • Health-Please pray that no illness interrupts ministry on this trip for me.
  • Security-Please pray we are able to go and do as we are led. It is possible that we may suddenly have to go to a different village & change plans on how and where we minister.
  • General connection-Please pray for our reception and for a good connection between these two vastly different cultures.
  • Growth-Please pray for personal growth for me.

And if his wife could add one more:

  • Pray for me and the fur babies as we remain behind. We’ll be completely out of contact while he’s gone (Apr 1-8). This is the longest we’ve been out of contact, or apart for that matter, in the 10 years we’ve been married.

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