I Did This Because

It seems like the only time I have any time to run errands is over my lunch hour. The challenge is finding a lunch hour free from meetings and working-at-the-desk to get out and about.

Yesterday I finally forced myself to stop working and headed out, shopping list in hand, to replenish poor old Mother Hubbard’s (um, Hayley) cupboard.
While I was driving to the retail district, I called My Beloved and asked him if he might like a chocolate malt milkshake from our favorite burger shop, Burger House. He, as you might suspect, thought that was a wonderful idea. It was a convenient stop for me as Burger House is located right next to all of the stores I was going to visit anyway.
I was merely taking some time to implement one of my Rules For A Happy Marriage:
Thou Shalt Spoil Thy Husband As Frequently As Possible
(Try it. It really works.)
Anyway, I went on about my errands – organic produce at Natural Grocers, and bits and bobs from Target, then a milkshake from Burger House.
I dashed into Kelly’s office, delivered the shake and also gave him what is surely one of the world’s Great Wonders: a Tide-to-Go pen. After saying thank you, Kelly said:
This (holding up the shake) is because you love me.
This (holding up the Tide-to-Go) is because you know me.

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