Stepping Out in Faith

For those who read this blog, you are aware that Kelly and I have had some difficult experiences related to working overseas with a certain organization.

However, as I’ve indicated on this blog, God’s given us some measure of closure to what happened and we are starting to get reinvolved in spiritual matters. We’re attending, even participating in some levels, at our former church – knowing that it’s the right place for us. There’s still healing needed, but we are light years ahead of where we were just 3 years ago. The truth is, it seems God pushes you beyond where you feel ready to be pushed to accomplish His will.

Now we’re facing a new big step. In four weeks, Kelly leave for a closed country to share the Good News with as many as possible. He leaves on April 1st with a team from East-West Ministries International, where he works on the finance team. He returns April 8th. The team will be operating out of a town that is home to several thousand unreached locals. EWMI has never traveled to this town before, though they have been in the country countless times.

Their group will team up with the local, grace-oriented church to share the Gospel in homes during the day, and to plant new house churches. At night, they will visit house churches and share their testimonies to encourage the local believers. They are also providing much-needed Christian literature, Bibles, and humanitarian aid. The Church has been isolated in this country for decades and is in great need of medical supplies, etc.

The cost of the trip is $2950 (which includes air fare, hotels, and all meals on ministry work days, ground transportation, interpreters, visa, insurance, and literature). Our family is responsible for raising this amount by Wednesday, March 18th.

While this is my blog, I wanted to share with you what Kelly is doing and what he has to say about the upcoming experience:

Please hear my honesty as I share that I really do not want to go on this trip because I fear my inadequacy. However, I am compelled to believe that God is leading me to do so. There are two things I ask of you to help me discern God’s will in this matter. First, I ask that you pray for this trip and for serious confirmation from God that this is what I should do-as I am stepping out in faith, and mine feels weak still. And second, that you pray about any financial support that you can contribute-this too will serve as a sign of what God wants. Thank you for your time and your prayers.

More than anything, we covet your prayers while Kelly travels and ministers, and for me as I stay behind working to get our new home ready. Pray specifically for Kelly’s protection, health, and for success to encourage local believers in this closed country. Please pray for unbelievers’ hearts to be changed when they hear the Gospel – most for the first time.

If you would like more details about the trip, please feel free to contact me and I’ll share more than I can via a public blog posting.

And if by any chance you feel led to contribute to this trip, here is how you can assist:

  • Check: Make check payable to East-West Ministries International. In the subject line please put Kelly Hayley CU09. Mail to: EWMI, P.O. Box 701560, Dallas, TX 75370
  • Credit/Debit Card: Go to Click on: Donate Now. The Giving Page will come up. Click on the Simple Gift form button twice (two screens worth). Then, enter your credit card information, and type my name in the special information box: Kelly Hayley CU09.
  • Or: Call Susan Everard, Contributions Administrator; 214-257-2836, and she will take your credit card information over the phone.

Thank you so much for being good friends to us and praying for us over the years!

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