Technology is Driving Me Mad

I had a hysterically frustrating experience the other evening.

The mailbox at the new Hayley Home has been overflowing with junk mail these past few weeks. It caught Marathon Man and I off guard as we’d been so diligent about reducing junk mail at the apartment last year.

I rang up the Opt-Out line to remove the new address from the files and promptly fell into Voice Recognition Software Hell.

Computer: Greetings! I will assist you in removing your information from the credit and insurance data system. There is not an operator to assist you.

Me: This is going to be interesting.

Computer: I didn’t understand. Please speak clearly into the phone. Tell me your address. There is no need to spell, I recognize words.

Me: Longbow Lane

Computer: I heard, Brangmow Land. Is this correct?

Me: No.

Computer: I’m sorry. Let’s try again…

Me: Longbow Lane

Computer: I heard, Langmore Main. Is this correct?

Me: NO!

Computer: Please speak clearly into the phone. Tell me your address…

On this went for nearly 20 minutes. Kelly laughed so hard in the other room that I couldn’t help laughing myself.

And that did nothing to help me speak clearly into the phone.

2 Comment

  1. John says: Reply

    You should have known you were in trouble when they told you specifically that there was not a human available to save your miserable soul.

  2. Ed says: Reply

    I like the ability to opt-out on webpages so I don’t have to deal with those stupid automated systems.

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