Because Sometimes They Say it Best

I’m not a quote-spouter, but I do keep sayings posted here and there to inspire me.

I’ve learned over the years that while there are very few original ideas, there are plenty of original thinkers in the world who know how to put my emotions and desires into memorable phrases!

Currently taped to my monitor, helping me stay focused and consistently working hard, is:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for men.
(Colossians 3:23)

On my deadline whiteboard, urging me to keep the main thing the main thing, is:

To be simple is to be great.
If you keep things simple,
the inherent goodness in a good idea
Will be much easier to find.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

On the marketing office bulletin board, reminding our staff that there is a method to the madness:

Vision without a plan
is merely a hallucination.
(Paraphrased from Stephen M. Case,
former chairman of AOL TimeWarner)

And tucked inside my desk, where I and I alone can see it when I need some extra inspiration:

Whatever you can do,
or dream you can
Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it.

What words mean something special to you?

4 Comment

  1. Ed says: Reply

    You have brains in your head.
    You have feet in your shoes
    You can steer yourself
    any direction you choose.
    You’re on your own. And you know what you know.
    And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.
    – Dr. Seuss, Oh the Places You’ll Go –

  2. Ed says: Reply

    ~ Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It just means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections. ~

    ~ Don’t wait for the storm to past, learn to dance in the rain. ~

    Don’t know where these 2 are from

  3. Buck up, Bucko!

  4. Craig says: Reply

    This is what we do.

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