Quick Tip Saturday

I’m slowly working my way through deep-cleaning the Hayley house.

(Let’s just say it was long overdue.)

Up this week before work: Clean the toaster.

We have a stainless steel toaster and it had gradually built up a layer of ick. I’m not posting a photo of that because, well, it was icky.

To clean it, I simply mixed baking soda with a few drops of water to make a paste.

Then I rubbed the paste all over the toaster, removing the build-up.

Use a clean damp cloth to remove the baking soda film, then buff dry with a microfiber cloth.

Much better!

2 Comment

  1. Tawn Dickison says: Reply

    That looks great!
    Ideas for cleaning your oven? I know it's something I need to clean when I get home. Any helpful advice would be great!

    1. I confess to being a big fan of something that's admittedly not a natural solution – Easy Off Fume Free Oven Cleaner. It works really well and doesn't stink. I spray it all over the oven interior (cold oven) on a Friday night and then wipe it clean on Saturday morning.

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