Quit Complaining

The Niece gave us gift cards to a couple of our favorite places (Paciugo and Starbucks) for our birthdays. {yay!}

While I was transferring the balance of the Starbucks gift card (my gift) onto my existing personal card, I noticed that my account balance was $100.

Wow, right?! I figured The Boy had felt generous and loaded my card. So I transferred the gift card onto his personal card instead.

When I went back into my account and reloaded the account information page, my $100 credit changed to a big, fat $0.00. That was a definite downer.

Not only did I not have $100 in my account, but I actually had nothing in my account.

I’ve whined off and on about this ever since.

We stopped at Starbucks for a coffee the other day on the way to work. My loving Boy paid for both coffees, handed me my grande skinny hazelnut latte and said:

Here. I bought you a coffee with your gift card money.
Now quit complaining!

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