I ran to Hobby Lobby over the lunch hour to pick up some bits and pieces for the Hayley Home. On the way out of the store, I saw this massive Cornucopia: And I love it. I normally wouldn’t like anything with this much kitsch factor. So what’s the explanation? Hormones? Home decorating fever? Or […]
Here’s Your Sign
When Marathon Man and I fixed the game room’s ceiling fan, we were left with four extra light shades. However, three were one size, one was another…thus, the need for a repair job. Instead of tossing them out, or going through the effort of selling them on Craigslist, I followed my sister’s lead and gave […]
From the Random File
1. Spotted by my Dad – Christmas in July, you think … or just a desperate retailer? 2. This video shows why it’s never good to make a songwriter mad:
Thursday’s List
Things that made me happy Thursday afternoon: Nose kisses from Ben Belly rubs and licking kisses from Bridget No storm damage at home One more day until escape from the world vacation with My Love and the Wheelers A new functioning home computer Thoughts of Second Friday with UDG and FUDGErs Gosh…it’s a happy Thursday! […]
Three Things
Three things that made me ridiculously happy Tuesday afternoon: 1. Animal crackers in my desk drawer for an afternoon snack. 2. Bunnies making the rounds in our backyard. 3. My new kitchen sink soap dispenser that gives me one perfect squirt of dishwashing soap when I’m hand washing pots and pans.
I Need
I need something, and I’m not sure what it is exactly. All I can say is that I’m: confident I need a vacation. pretty certain I need some inspiration. looking at what I’d like to do at the house – I know I need more income before there’s outgo again. surveying the construction industry and […]
I’m Not Sure You’ve Got Game
Spotted at LA Fitness: A high school/early college aged guy wearing a t-shirt that said PLAYA on the front. Question of the Day – Are you really a playa if you have to wear a shirt announcing it to others?
Today’s Safety Minute
Because we’re in the middle of a Swine Flu Panic, I have to ask: Do you know where your kids are? Do you know where your kid’s lips were?
Can You Believe It?
Two shocking events: I have been blogging for a year. The boy has left me again, this time for an overnight men’s retreat with the guys from HGBC. Coincidence?
There She Is!
This week I’ve met someone that I haven’t seen in nearly four years: myself. I don’t know how to explain it, while I’ve always been, well, me, I haven’t seen a certain innermost part of myself for a long time. It’s the part that wants to spend time with people – and remembers their struggles […]