He bought me an iPad for an early birthday present. So I cashed in some Amazon gift card money that we’ve earned through our health rewards program and got him this fancy-pantsy triathelete training watch. The Garmin 910XT. He’s in runner geek heaven!
Love the Boy
Another Weird Thing…
The thing about eating dinner with your favorite hand therapist is that you sometimes learn that a small football injury that you thought was a jammed joint is really Mallet Finger. Bummer for my guy. But at least he’ll get to spend some more time with his favorite hand therapist! And there’s nothing quite like […]
Happy (VERY) Early Birthday!
Last weekend, my love said he was in the mood to run to the store and asked me to go with him. So I did. No clue where we were going, by the way. He pulled up in front of Best Buy, walked in and told the first sales clerk that greeted us that his […]
They Have What?
Kelly describing an office he visited last month: It was a top-secret place. It made you think of 007. They even had a palm reader at the door. Source
Bake Those Tacos
Apologies for the sporadic posting. Though I don’t know why I’m apologizing – I gave plenty of warning that I was in a busy season of life. Anyway, I was out of town for a goodly portion of the week. It’s always nice to return home and get back to cooking good […]
Trouble Brewing
This is the pictoral definition of “I solemnly swear I am up to no good.” reference
Marriage: 15 Years In (Part 4)
The depth of my love for my guy has been on my mind a lot this past week (obviously). Part of that is a slower (outside of work) schedule, giving us plenty of time in the evenings to hang out together. But it’s also because I found a really interesting thing in a box of […]
Marriage: 15 Years In (Part 3)
Me: I have a great idea. One that I want you to think about. ** Silence ** Me: You know how we’ve talked about going to scream “We’re debt free!” in person at Dave Ramsey’s office? ** Silence ** Me: This morning I noticed that a lot of the men talk about how important their […]
Marriage: 15 Years In (Part 2)
Me: I think you need to find a new nickname for me. Him: What do you mean, booger head? Me: Exactly that – booger head is not a sign of affection. No one who overhears you saying it would think that it is. Him: Why did you wait so many years to tell me that, […]