A friend gifted me with a little project: She was in sorry shape (the dressing table, not my friend) – missing hardware, deep water rings and a variety of nicks and dings. But still there was that great mirror… Instead of stripping, patching, sanding and staining (the only way to rehab the dressing table from its […]
Putting the Personal in Personal Gallery Wall
After a month and a half of looking at this: I decided it was time to make the personal gallery wall in our master bedroom a little more personal. That meant it was time to replace the store images with things that were meaningful to the Hayleys. A few days of digging through photos and […]
Stop the Madness
We have gotten very tired of coming home to a door littered with advertisements, political ads and business cards. Not only does this advertise when we are (and aren’t) home, it’s hard to tell if people working the neighborhood are using their door-to-door time as an opportunity to case our home. No more. Did you […]
At A Loss
I am at a complete loss today. No weekend work, no weekend places to be. A sore post-surgery husband has me sticking close to home – so no errands or “just a few quick” things. I’ve washed dishes and clothes, changed sheets and towels. I’ve petted kitties, cooked meals and played multiple games of Words […]
This Might Be
I almost titled this: The Boy Thinks He’s Funny and I Don’t Agree. The day before his surgery, The Boy ended every request with because it might be the last time you ever (fill in the blank). His solo conversation went something like: Would you make me a mini pie because it might be the last […]
An O Henry Story – Hayley Style
I love The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry. Wife loves husband, cuts and sells her beautiful long hair to buy a fob for his precious watch. Husband loves wife, sells his precious watch to buy combs for her beautiful long hair. I realized we were having our own version of the Magi the other […]
From the News – but not really news – File
This isn’t really what I’d call surprising news, but it is a surprising confirmation that I am not alone in my being busy. Nor am I alone in claiming that half of my stress is self-induced. The following report from Dunia Magazine is so comprehensive that I’m copying and pasting it below. If you’d prefer […]
What to Do When It Rains
By rain, I mean both literal and metaphorical rain. It’s been raining stress, deadlines and uncertainty. It’s also been alternately drizzling and pouring for the last several days. Whenever these situations arise, there are lots of things you can do: Administer LOTS of hugs – to Boys and kitties Cancel hiking trips Remain in your […]
What I Want to Do
This weekend was about doing what I wanted to do – lots of lots of things that I wanted to do. Like: Running a 5k Doing the laundry before the middle of the week when I’ve completely run out of socks and underwear (not that this ever happens) Eating dinner with friends Washing the car […]
Penny for your Thoughts
For all who say pennies aren’t worth anything, I say a penny can be worth everything. Case in point: The Boy told me last month that the balance on our mortgage would be $100,000.00 when we made our next house payment. Knowing the psychological impact of .99, I begged him to schedule our monthly payment […]