Ben under a blanket: Bread baking (persimmon, zucchini-dark chocolate and pumpkin): Chili simmering all day in the crockpot (freshly outfitted with a new liner!): He needs a lap (continuously): Homemade apple pie jelly: Malt-o-meal for breakfast: She needs her mama (continuously): Restocking the freezer with mini-pies: Sleet!!!
In the Mail
This is random, but the post brought some interesting things this week. Apparently, I like to give myself gifts and should thank myself more because of it: Two large boxes arrive this week. One holds a leaf blower/vacuum and one holds…a crockpot insert. Who would have thought that large of a box was required?
Clean Your Washing Machine (Please, Shannah, Do It!)
Since I (accidentally) showed you my disgusting washing machine yesterday: I thought I’d better show you how to clean a washing machine. First, fill the wash tub with hot water. Add 3-4 cups bleach. Allow the machine to agitate for 1 minute, then let it sit for an hour. Those black specks in the photo? […]
Clean It Up: Pillows
Once a quarter, I wash our mattress pad and deep clean our mattress. It helps freshen everything and delay both normal wear-and-tear, as well as gross build-up that happens over time. Then I saw a note on Pinterest about the importance of washing your pillows. I’ve washed my pillows in the past, but not on […]
Joy While Lingering
As I was helping The Boy get ready for work the other morning (one-handedness has its challenges), he noted: We may be in a new year but we’re still suffering the lingering effects of the old year. How true. He’s still one-handed. Distressingly, I’m still coughing and my lungs still ache despite a full round […]
Since We Last Wrote…
I have no recollection of what all has happened since my last post nearly a week ago. That’s not entirely true. In the last five days: The Boy has had his surgical bandages removed and a cast installed – more security, but less mobility. We found out that we narrowly missed an electrical fire from […]
A Different Kind of Christmas Miracle
Look at what a one-handed man and his wife can do (with a little help from a borrowed leaf vacuum)! 11 bags full o’leaves
Style Randomness
I took a quick style quiz on Cultivate, a home decorating website, the other week. Side note: I am a total sucker for “quick quizzes.” Fashion, decorating, pet names…I’m all over it. Anyway, I took the quiz to learn My Kitchen Style. Here’s what it said: Your kitchen style is: Transitional Timeless, refined, and sophisticated, […]
Christmastime is Here
It took several days – and several people helping with this and that – but the holidays have arrived at the Hayley household. I’m not going to lie – we scaled back on Christmas decorating quite a bit because the Christmas spirit has been severely dampened around here because of The Devastating Injury. Despite all […]
The Boy’s Request
The Boy – whom I have loved intensely for nearly 15 years – has asked me to do something. So of course I’m going to do it. For the next few days, I’m mentally unplugging. No work-from-homing. No rush-rush-rushing. No just-one-more-thinging. Instead there will be intentionality, quality time and rest. Let’s hope at the end […]