July 2024 Wrap Up

July was a family-focused month. Long overdue, in many ways.

I spent the first week of the month working from Mom and Dad’s house in Kansas. While work was definitely accomplished, we also built in plenty of family time. From a meal with Aunt Merry while she was also in Kansas City…

And dinner with the Tinkey boys.

Colton ran his first-ever 5k with me and did a great job, running nearly the entire time! We enjoyed the Freedom Fest run.

We also went to watch the boys’ first-ever live fireworks show.

In the evenings, I finally had enough life downtime to finish a BIG project: Building the Hayley Family Cookbook. All our favorites from the blog are now organized for easy reference and cooking.

I took advantage of cool Kansas mornings to enjoy coffee on the deck.

Glory was happy to have me home. (So were Oliver and Jasper, but they are being pills with the camera lately.)

I had a minor boo-boo with the Buick and a pole at the gas station. Kelly told me I am in penance for a to-be-determined length of time. He requests that I not sass and simply respond “Yes, Husband” for the time being…

We had a great time shooting another commercial at work.

And put in lots of time running throughout the month.

BIRTHDAY MONTH always means food we shouldn’t eat but do anyway.

I finally hung our old family photos in the guest room.

Kelly traveled to Kansas to support Mom and Dad (and carry a few fair entries for Colton).

After 20 years, it was finally time to buy new eyeglass frames.

We had the best time celebrating the work of our summer high school intern!

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