State Fair 2017 Fried Food Wrap Up

We actually took a day off of work and went to the State Fair. Here are our yays and nays:

YAYGoing to the State Fair on Food Bank Wednesday

This is a wonderful plan. Adult tickets are just $4 (a huuuuuge savings) if you bring at least 4 cans of food per person.

YAY: Fletcher’s Bird Dog

You should definitely go to Fletcher’s immediately upon arrival, regardless of time of day. Then try the Bird Dog, which is the new vegetarian dog. It tastes just like spicy pork. It’s wonderful.

YAY and NAY: State Fair inspired beers

The Funnel Cake beer is a true winner. The Strawberry Wit, not so much. It was too light in both flavor and body.

NAY: Queso Bacon Funnel Cake Burger

Maybe if the beef and queso were better and there was less powdered sugar. Then again, maybe just no all-around.


YAY: Fernie’s Fried Texas Sheet Cake

Everything about this is delicious, though it would have been really interesting if the fried batter was made of chopped pecans. Ah well, opportunity missed. Definitely share this with a friend (or 3).

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