Stretch It Out

As a part of my overall Get Healthy philosophy, I’ve also taken up yoga classes.

I’ll confess – it took adding “Take a yoga class” to my 101 goal list to force me to buy a mat and trudge my inflexible (body and mind…sometimes) self to class.

I started small with basic intro classes at our local gym. Then I started attending in-depth courses with a teacher at our church. Aleda, by the way, was amazing. I learned a lot about correct form from her.

So you can imagine how super-excited I was to see that my wonderful company is offering after-work yoga classes once a week. I can’t wait to shed the boot and do some downward dog and warrior poses.

And in case you’re wondering – it’s very possible to separate the spiritual side from the yoga practice. I use the session time to clear my mind and find some inner peacefulness. Physically I’ve found that yoga helps me run with a better posture and feel much more relaxed.

Yoga = a 101 challenge that’s become an essential part of my fitness routine.


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