After a fun evening in the Palo Duro Canyon, we headed off on the looooong drive to Colorado. We knew that Colorado (and Utah and New Mexico) had been plagued by wildfires, but all reports indicated that our destination was fire-free.
So you can imagine our surprise to see smoke as we approached the Colorado border.
Apparently, a lightening strike started a fire in the Mesa Verde area after we’d already left for our trip.
Fortunately, the fires stayed sufficiently far from us during our visit. I have to add that Colorado has amazing firefighters. (Well done…very well done by all!)
We spent our first day in Colorado recovering from the drive, adjusting to the heat (seriously…hotter than Texas!) and catching up on laundry.
Rested and refreshed, we headed off to tour a local winery (yay for 101 List goals!!)…
Yes – there are vineyards in Colorado and they produce some pretty good wine! It was a fun hour with the owner, learning about his process and sampling the different types he produces.
That evening we were thrilled to stumble across a branch of our favorite restaurant from our Colorado Vacation 2010 – Tequilas. Their cabbage and salsa are amazing.