Inexpensive, elegant and, most important, easy, a box or two of fillo shells can change your life when you’re too busy to think straight. Here in Texas, I can get a box of 15 for less than $1.25. The shells are fully cooked and shelf stable.
What more could you ask?
I’ve used these shells to make quick blueberry tarts (add a dollop of sweet yogurt and a sprinkling of fresh berries):
And I’ve also used them to make savory quiches (dab of eggs, chopped mushrooms, bacon bits, chopped green onion, chopped zucchini and shredded cheddar cheese):
The latter worked nicely as an appetizer for an evening party and as a main course for breakfast club the next morning.
Easy to use, flexible, tasty and inexpensive…fillo shells have a permanent place in my pantry!
What do you rely on to survive the holiday make-and-take season?