Hello, Old Friend!

It’s Saturday morning and the sun is shining brightly. What a glorious day!!

I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed the sun (on the weekend, in particular), until I threw open the blinds and laid on the floor in a sunny spot – furbaby on each side of me, of course.

Earlier this week, the Niece did a mighty tasty adaptation of Muddy Buddies using Rice Krispies instead of Chex cereal. The Boy and I heartily approved of the final results. But alas, there are no more Krispie Muddy Buddies to be had at the Hayley Household until I could purchase more cereal.

So taking advantage of sunny skies, I headed off on a leisurely walk to our closest grocery store (a mere mile away). As I walked I marveled at how relaxed I felt. It was almost as though the sun on my face had some magical restorative power.

Judging by the perkiness of the trees, early spring flowers and budding grass, I think most of the Hayley Neighborhood plant life would agree.

So on behalf of us all: Welcome back, Mr. Sunshine!! Feel free to stick around for a bit.

Have a lovely weekend, all – and make sure you get out of the house a bit and get moving! It’s good for the body and the soul.

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