Ode to Clean Sheets

If there’s one thing I’m particular about, it’s my bed. I make up the bed every morning before leaving the house. I faithfully launder the mattress cover once a quarter. And every weekend, I change the sheets.

It’s clean sheet day! I tell Ben and Bridget as I strip the bed.

Off come the sheets, filled with the week’s worries and exhaustion. A spritz of Febreeze reminds me that all things are new again. Shooing the kitties away, stretching and tucking, a fresh bed emerges to meet the week.

But better even than clean sheet day is the morning after.

Snuggling under the covers, kitties curled around us, I feel like I can stay in bed forever. It’s peaceful. It’s comforting. I feel refreshed and renewed.

What a lovely way to greet a new week!

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