Just a Snip Away!

Ever since I left for college many years ago, I can count on one thing: Without warning, an overstuffed packet will arrive from my mom. Inside are dozens and dozens of newspaper clippings. Each has its own sticky note, with comments from Mom about the piece.

Sometimes Mom simply says: “Amen.” Other times, she’ll say: “This is an interesting perspective.” Or: “Do you remember her?”

I love this, even though it takes hours to read through everything.

Maybe I should have included that in my “If Only Had” posting: If I only had 4 extra hours, I’d read articles from Mom…

I know what my Mom is thinking about. I know what she finds funny. I know her favorite editorial writers. Even though I live nearly 8 hours away, my Mom’s thoughts are as close as the nearest stack of clippings.

Now, if only Mom had time to read the paper so I would receive a more reasonable stack more frequently instead of a mountain of clippings every three months or so!

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