What’s a girl to do at the gym on her marathon-training husband’s long-run Saturday? While Kelly’s training for a decently fast marathon pace, I still knew that his 22-mile run would take a bit of time.
To fill my (eternal) time at the gym, I decided to create my own triathlon – check that, I created my own quadrathlon. So it wasn’t the real deal, but it worked for me.
- 5k run
- 9.5 mile bike ride
- 5 mile walk (brisk pace)
- And to wrap it all up – 10 minutes in the hot tub.
Ok, I know the last bit doesn’t offer quite the same cardio benefits, but my heart rate did go up and it did require me to change from one type of gym outfit into another.
And it’s my quadrathlon. I’ll include what I like.