• Etc
  • September 2024 Wrap Up

    September went by quickly, which was somewhat surprising since life was mostly stay-at-home activities. September marks the beginning of fall and time for our seasonal stock-up of Pumpkin Spice Special K. The annual 3CMA conference was close to home: Arlington! Glory had an interesting post-bath fancy enhancement. She’s cute no matter what! Oliver took advantage […]

  • Etc
  • July 2024 Wrap Up

    July was a family-focused month. Long overdue, in many ways. I spent the first week of the month working from Mom and Dad’s house in Kansas. While work was definitely accomplished, we also built in plenty of family time. From a meal with Aunt Merry while she was also in Kansas City… And dinner with […]

  • Etc
  • June 2024 Wrap Up

    June was filled with drama, thanks to May’s destructive storm (equalling a lot of work 7 days/week) and a work trip that went very awry. Interval Run Club Dallas – Year 30 and Hayley leadership year 10 – kicked off! Because of continual storms, Glory was STILL at camp 6 weeks after we dropped her […]

  • Etc
  • May 2024 Wrap Up

    May was a busy month. Like no-joke, all the things busy month. We launched our new intranet and employee newsletter – the product of many months of work. We dropped Glory off for her second 3-weeks of training camp. Little did we know how long she’d actually be there… We headed out on our most […]

  • Uncategorized
  • April 2024 Wrap Up

    April was officially the month of significant milestones and accomplishments. No fooling – our elephant ears weren’t killed by the late spring frost. We were so happy to see them again! The Council Chamber remodel project got underway. We kicked off our spring 5k program. And our spring 10k program. TEDxPlano was back! We were […]

  • Etc
  • March 2024 Wrap Up

    March was gone in a flash, but a lot of good memories were made. Nothing like starting the month with a meet-up of fellow Beck alum. The office renovation got underway in a big way. Lots and lots (and lots) of running. Glory came home from three weeks of training boot camp! Longest three weeks […]

  • Family
  • February 2024 Wrap-Up

    February was busy but not busy like January. Thank goodness for small favors. Glory started the month still cone-wearing, itchy and sad. Several of the Interval Run Club ladies got together for an 80s concert at Legacy Hall. Too much fun and definitely fatigued legs the next day from dancing! THE CONE CAME OFF – […]

  • Etc
  • December 2023 wrap-up

    December was supposed to be a slow month. It felt like anything but that. Our 5k-10k-Half-Full training programs wrapped up the first weekend of the month. We were very grateful to have a nice long break in front of us after 9 months of weekend running. My office remodel project got underway. This will be […]