• Recipes
  • Recipe | Apple Pie Smoothie

    This is delicious with roasted butternut squash or roasted sweet potatoes. As a person with a freezer full of roasted butternut squash, I think we’ll be having this at breakfast for the near future. Apple Pie Smoothie Discovered here Combine all ingredients in blender until fully mixed. If needed, scrape down sides to fully incorporate […]

  • Recipes
  • Recipe | Ahi Tuna Tostadas

    This dinner was life changing. LIFE CHANGING. Ahi Tuna Tostadas Discovered here Cut tuna into cubes and add to large bowl. Add sesame oil, soy sauce, chopped green onion and ginger. Toss to coat, until tuna is fully coated. Cover bowl and place in refrigerator to marinate for 30 minutes. After marinating, top tostadas with […]

  • Etc
  • Checking in With Myself

    It’s the mid-point of the first month of a new year. Just about the time for New Year’s Resolutions to die, best-of-intentioned habits to become wearisome and life to resume as it was sixteen days ago. And yet, somehow, for me it hasn’t reverted (yet). By focusing on the basics I’ve deliberately kept my goals […]