Finishing a Yelp 100

I’ve been half-heartedly engaged on Yelp (a review website). I upload reviews, every now and then answer a question and otherwise leave it be.

And in truth, much more of the latter now because 1) who has time and 2) I’ve noticed some people on the Yelp site Live For Yelp rather than Living For Life.

All that being said, I thought it would be fun to see if I could write 100 reviews in a year – it’s called a “Yelp 100.” I’ve had a lot of travel this year, which made it a good time to give it a try.

Still imagine my surprise when I glanced at my Yelp profile page at the end of June and noticed this: 070516_Yelp100

106 reviews! And the year is just half over.

Now I’m wondering how many reviews I can actually write in a single year. And maybe I should try to get to 500 total reviews (not in one year, just overall) and say “Thank you, Yelp…I’m done.”

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