Early Morning Wake Up Call

I woke up, unassisted, at 2:15 a.m. today.


I’d love to blame it on the furbabies – they are the usual suspects – but all three were sound asleep. Snoring, in fact.

I found that oddly comforting, since we’re on the next round of home improvements. (This time, a sewer line repair! Brought to us by…the foundation repair! Good times.) As with all good home improvement projects, the planned easy solution wouldn’t work, necessitating the removal of a portion of the downstairs WC’s tile.

I love it when we have projects that require destroying things that will then not be replaced until we have money saved up. Absolutely no one will be allowed in the WC for several months lest they see the bare concrete floor in lieu of tiling while we save for our complete floor re-do project.


Anyway, the removal of the tile, and the subsequent accessing of the sewer line, caused a lot of noise. The kind of noise that drove Bridget over the edge and right into a Grand Mal Seizure when we had the foundation repaired.

Our plan this time was to make sure that one of us was home with her – literally with.her. – during the entirety of the noisy-project phase.

I had shift one yesterday and sat upstairs, uncomfortably locked in the game room with three cats and a laptop, to work all morning. And Bridget? That manipulative little girl slept soundly at my feet throughout the entire deconstruction process.

And so far, no seizures. Either we had a great plan or Bridget did. She’s more than a little spoiled these days.

By 3:15 a.m., I realized that the sounds of husbands and kitties sleeping was truly irritating – so I got up.

The interwebs are an entertaining place to while away sleepless nights. Instead of writing pithy stories of our blizzard-infused vacation for the blog, I caught up on the latest happenings, according to People magazine.

At varying times, the furbabies joined me – wondering, I’m sure, why I was awake and not in bed sleeping with Kelly. (I was…am…wondering the same thing.)

Oliver in particular decided to take matters into his own paws.


He’s a cutie.


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