A Wide Spot in the Road: Ham’s Orchard

For years, The Boy and I have driven past a large side-of-the-road farm stand, Ham Orchard, on our way to visit friends and family in East Texas. Finally, I told The Boy that I really wanted to stop there.
Just one problem: Ham’s Orchard is only open for three months each year (mid May through mid August). This wasn’t a stop-anytime experience. We had to plan. Kind of.
So the other weekend, we planned to meet The Boy’s parents for lunch at the orchard and a bit of shopping.
Sure, it was 100F, but that didn’t stop us from buying brisket sandwiches with all the fixings at the farm stand and eating under the covered (and fan-laden) patio.

After lunch, we headed inside to browse (and buy!).


They had tons of varieties, all available at different times through the harvest season.

Plus loads of other fruit.

You could either purchase fresh blueberries or pick your own. Since it was 100F outside, we skipped that part of the experience.

Plus there were plenty of farm-fresh veggies – since we’re city-dwellers, we stocked up on tomatoes and elusive East Texas purple hulled peas. I can’t wait to make my favorite salad!

But the best part of the stop (due in no small measure to equal parts high temps and fresh fruit) was the orchard’s homemade fruit ice cream. I couldn’t decide which I wanted, so I splurged on a swirl of strawberry and peach ice creams. Yum!

It was well worth the trek to Ham’s Orchard – worth the heat and the constant crowds. The Boy and I are fairly certain we’ll have to stop again during the summer months, if for nothing else than a bit of delicious homemade soft serve.

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