Insight from The Boy on My Profession

The Boy spoke at a continuing education event for my industry the other week. The topic was on the ways companies can engage with charities.

As a long-time accountant within the non-profit world, The Boy talked about how giving changes individuals and companies, and how you can research and select a charitable organization with confidence.

He did a fantastic job – shockingly so to the many marketers in attendance. (What accountant is known for public speaking?)

As we were discussing his presentation later, he mentioned that he was pleased he’d been able to capture and keep the audience’s attention.

Then he made this observation about people in my line of work:

As a speaker, if you make eye contact and connect with a marketer,
You’ve got their attention. The content becomes secondary.
Because the thing about marketers is this:
You all like to be engaged.

Very true.

4 Comment

  1. Super cool! So sad i missed it. Last minute call for proposal sent me scrambling that day. Le sigh.

    1. I have had that happen many times!

  2. Julie says: Reply

    I've always been a fan of The Boy but he totally knocked it out of the park at the event. Don't tell him I said that, though. It'll go straight to his head.

    1. Seriously.

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