Count Your Blessings…If You Realize They’re There

I woke up the other morning feeling quite happy.

I’m sure it’s because we’ve booked vacation. And maybe because my team won a very nice project last week.

Yes, probably both of those things led to my generally sunny spirits.

But as I sat on the train, feeling giddy, I realized that I have an awful lot to be thankful for. 

Life blessings are a funny thing. God grants us certain blessings simply because He loves us. God grants us other blessings because we’ve been obedient, diligent and determined.

Yet blessings don’t always come with awareness. By that I mean that we don’t always realize what blessings we have in the moment.

For example, last week I realized that I have these blessings:

  • We booked a trip to travel internationally for vacation. The next day I realized that I’ve been blessed with the funds and time to travel, along with husband that loves to travel and experience as well. I’ve always dreamed of seeing the world and I’ve been blessed with that opportunity.
  • My team won a good-sized project. I’m blessed to work with talented people who challenge me, put up with ding-dong days (when nothing goes right) and bring their A game nearly every day. I’m learning and performing everyday. That in itself is a blessing.
  • I went for a run the other morning – 3 miles around the block. I realized that 1) I didn’t need to walk at all and 2) I’m averaging a 10:30 pace during training runs. Both unthinkable and secretly hoped for things just months ago. And here it is, an every day (every day that I run anyway) occurrence. A blessing that was hoped for, but then not noticed when it arrived.

My challenge to myself, then, is to be more aware in the moment.

How about you…any blessings you’ve overlooked lately?


2 Comment

  1. John says: Reply

    It's nice to recognize that training is paying off when you realize that you can do something today that you couldn't do 3 weeks ago.
    It's like that 1 great swing in a golf game… those are the times that keep you coming back.

    1. So true! (And like that PR in a half that you didn't know was possible…)

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