I Spy with My Eye

I do not fear going to the doctor. I don’t fear the dentist. Scrapes, blood and minor surgeries – no problem.

Yet somehow going to the eye doctor causes me extreme anxiety. I suppose it’s related to my desire to be perfect.

After all: Who wants to fail anything, let alone their eye exam?

Add in a second week of steroids and, ahem, three cups of coffee (but no breakfast) and by the time my doctor stepped into the exam room I was a certified mess.

I felt the need to tell my doctor that I was anxious – because I’m sure he wouldn’t have been able to tell that by my shaking hands and twitching eyelid (!!).

And this is why I go to see Dr Tran:

When I said, Dr Tran, for some reason I feel very anxious when I come in for my eye exam, he just looked at me, smiled and said:

Now Shannah, it’s going to be ok.
I’ve always thought our visits go quite well.


And, by the way, it did go well. My vision hasn’t changed since 2007. My psyche has a bit, perhaps, but not my eyesight.

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