On Change

Be careful when you pray for change in your life.

You might get it all at once. For The Boy and I, we experienced total and complete change over the course of six weeks. Six weeks.

I guess it could be argued that it’s better to go through it at one time rather than stretch it out over a long period of time. Absolute chaos? Yes, please. I’ll take that – and make it a double helping.

I thought that we were the only ones “going through it” this year, but it turns out that 2012 is the Year of Change for many people that I know. From moves (wanted and unwanted) to job changes (wanted and unwanted) to spiritual leadership changes (expected and unexpected), there’s no stopping the Change Bus once it’s underway.

With that in mind, in the midst of change we’re learning:

  • Just because something is urgent to us doesn’t mean that others are necessarily on our schedule
  • We’re not the only ones in crisis (or chaos-crisis)
  • Fear is not a fruit of the spirit
  • Laughter helps
  • Friends are essential
  • When in doubt, combine the two above as frequently as possible

4 Comment

  1. "Like"

  2. I know you know this well. We drove past Theatre 166 today and I prayed for you all.

  3. I used to get really overwhelmed but the way I look at it. I haven't sunk a ship, crashed a plane or been responsible for anything catastrophic, no Hurricane Edna, yet. So there really is no need to panic. 🙂

  4. Excellent advice!!

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