Reflections on a Long Run

Saturday I ran 24.25 miles.

It was my last long training run before the San Antonio Marathon, which is just 2 weeks from now. And, as is usual, there’s not a lot to do on a long run except encourage yourself to keep going and think about various and sundry random things.

Things like…

  • Running is easier when it’s dark (you can’t see how far you have to go).
  • Running is easier when it’s cold (you can’t feel your legs).
  • The sunrise is always beautiful.
  • Dog owners should be ashamed of themselves for allowing their dogs to poo on the sidewalk.
  • My tax money was well-spent with the addition of multiple new all-weather water fountains along the trails.
  • It takes me a long time to run 24.25 miles.

I also thought about how I’m often not thoughtful enough.

For example, I’m guilty of praying – pleading – really for God to answer a specific request and then forgetting all about my request as life moves on. Somewhere in the midst of my run, I realized that sometime within the last few months, God had quietly and decisively answered one of my requests.

It’s strange, isn’t it, that God is faithful to answer (in His timing, not mine), even when I’m not faithful to remember what all I’ve asked for.

And that was a pretty cool realization in the middle of a painfully long run this weekend.

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