I Feel Badly, But…

We went in with three other families to butcher a steer. For just $225 (including purchase, butchering and transportation costs), we have 63 lbs of grass-fed beef in a variety of cuts and our freezer looks like this:

We’ll enjoy the beef for the next 12 months, but I feel very brokenhearted about the fate of the poor steer, Ribeye.

I don’t think my mom sent me to a farm often enough.

4 Comment

  1. That's not how you felt with cows circling you at The Boy's home. And you never met Poupee!

  2. No, I mean that it makes me sad to know that a full freezer means no more sweet Ribeye in the field. It's a terrible burden.

  3. I thank the steer before grilling the steer. 😉

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