Too Fun!!!

This has to be one of my favorite 101 list items so far! I convinced our merry band of staycationers to run a few errands with me this weekend. I needed to get my eyebrows threaded (seriously) and shop at World Market before a coupon expired. I lured them with the promise of some quick geocaches on the way.

As we walked into the mall, we passed by a photo booth.

Hey, our friends said. A photo booth! Isn’t that one of your 101 list items?

And that is why these people are our friends. They KNOW what’s on my 101 list.

So we crammed into the photo booth, inserted our $3 and listened to the instructions. There was a lot of squishing back and forth, standing up and sitting down, and a bit of “Shannah! MOVE YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE WAY!!!”

{Give me a break – we were looking in a mirror and it was confusing to know which way to move!}

Heads in the wrong place notwithstanding, the photo booth was awesome. I loved it. And it was super great that the photo booth gave us two identical strips for $3, so we both have a memory of the experience – make-up free, pre-eyebrow threaded and everything.

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