Getting an A for Effort

It’s Monday and Christmas is officially over.

The Hayleys were determined to beat the holiday driving rush. The Boy asked me to find out what time the closest Cracker Barrel opened, then drug us out of bed on a very cold Kansas morning so we’d be there when it opened.

While I didn’t appreciate this effort in sub-freezing temps, it was good to have a cup of coffee, do a little post-Christmas shopping (preparing for Christmas 2011!) and be on the interstate by 6:45 a.m.

As a result, we were back in warm(er) North Texas by 2 p.m. with plenty of time to rake up 16 bags of leaves (including a certain girl being tackled into a sky-high pile of leaves by a certain Boy), restock the fridge, cook dinner, check in on a friend’s house, sort our mail and fuss the furbabies.

Before collapsing for the evening, we even did two loads of laundry and packed food, backpacks and briefcases for Monday’s return-to-work.

So how has this morning gone? The Boy was safely sent off to work with breakfast, backpack and a kiss.

And me? I’m at the office, lunch in hand but no briefcase and no laptop.

Surely I can get an A for effort, right?

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